2020 ACLS Provider Course (Instructor-Led Training)

As of October 21, 2020

ACLS Provider Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Course Questions:

What is the AHA’s 2020 ACLS Provider Course?

The AHA’s ACLS Provider Course has been updated to reflect new science in the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC, as well as the 2019 Update to the 2018 ASA Ischemic Stroke Guidelines. ACLS teaches the importance of preventing cardiac arrest, high-performance teams, continuous high-quality CPR, systems of care, recognition and intervention of cardiopulmonary arrest, post-cardiac arrest care, acute dysrhythmias, stroke, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS). The goal of the ACLS Provider Course is to improve outcomes for adult patients of cardiac arrest and other cardiopulmonary emergencies through early recognition and interventions by high-performance teams.

What specifically is taught in the new ACLS Course?

In the 2020 ACLS Provider Course, students will learn and practice:

• Systematic approach (assessment)

• High-quality BLS

• Airway management

• Rhythm recognition

• Defibrillation

• Intravenous (IV)/intraosseous (IO) access (information only)

• Use of medications

• Cardioversion

• Transcutaneous pacing

• High-performance teams

What are the key differences between the 2015 Guidelines and 2020 Guidelines versions of the ACLS

The new ACLS Course includes the following changes:

Learning and testing Stations

The key change in the ACLS Provider Course is achieving a minimal Chest Compression Fraction (CCF) of 81% for more objective practice and testing. This allows everyone to move from a perception of how they did to actual measures of how they performed (perception to reality). This requires scenarios to be run in real-time so that CCF can be measured coupled with a required feedback device for increased CPR quality. Teams will need to work together to figure out how to increase their CCF (i.e., choreography, logistics, etc.) for arrest-related cases. The desire is to transfer this newly acquired knowledge into real-world emergencies. This is the core of increasing survival rates.

Perform—–Measure—–Evaluate/Debrief——Implement changes—–Perform better—–Measure the Continuous improvement cycle

Online exams
The AHA now offers online exams for Instructor-led Training (ILT) courses. Using their Security ID number, Training Centers secure online exams (bundled with eCards or as a standalone option) from ShopCPR to be issued to students during the ILT course. Online exams improve exam security and are just one way the AHA ensures that cardholders around the world have met the same course completion requirements for ACLS classroom training.

Course Videos
• Course videos are available in digital format online and on DVD
• New videos have been added to the ACLS Course, including CPR Coach

Instructor Manual
Part 1:
General Concepts – All healthcare Instructor manuals now have a universal section, including • Science and educational principles of resuscitation training • Basic logistics for conducting any AHA course

Precourse Work
Instructor-led courses now include precourse work. If an Instructor chooses this option (recommended), students review course content through online interactive videos before they enter the classroom. Video lessons cover multiple medical subjects to prepare students for the course. Each lesson includes questions to engage students. This format allows more classroom time for hands-on skills training and leads to students being better prepared to participate as soon as they enter the classroom.

Pre briefing
In the 2020 ACLS Provider Course, Instructors conduct a briefing with students immediately before the start of each simulation. The goals of the briefing are to establish a positive learning environment and to provide information about the session to students. In addition, teams will set goals for the case and discuss the goals they set in the briefing during the debriefing. This will prepare students for success in the course.

CPR Coach
The CPR Coach is a new role within the resuscitation team. The CPR Coach role is designed to promote the delivery of high-quality CPR and allow the Team Leader to focus on other elements of cardiac arrest care, coordinate the various team members’ assigned tasks and ensure that clinical care is
delivered according to AHA guidelines.

Skills Testing
High-Quality BLS Skills Testing
• Focuses on continuous chest compressions
Megacode Testing
• Assesses students as a team
• Set goals related to chest compression fraction and teamwork
Provider Manual Updates
• Highlights 2 main themes: preventing arrest and high-performance teams
• New information under “Cardiac Arrest: Selected Special Situations”
o Maternal cardiac arrest
o Ventricular assist devices
• Revised illustrations
• CPR Coach
• Expanded information on high-performance teams

What is the format for the ACLS Provider ILT Course?
In the new ACLS Provider ILT Course, precourse work is completed before the course so that students are prepared for the course at a Training Center (TC) or another facility. Precourse work includes the mandatory Precourse Self-Assessment, followed by video lessons. The course is structured as follows:
• Core concepts are presented online through interactive video lessons. Video lessons are completed before coming to class. Then Instructors lead discussions and case-based scenarios around a manikin during class.
• The Instructor coaches students by using a feedback device as they practice CPR and ventilation skills.
• The Instructor monitors as each student/team demonstrates skills proficiency as outlined in the skills testing checklist.
• Students take the ACLS Provider Course Exam exam to confirm their understanding of core concepts.
The TC may choose for students to complete online video lessons (precourse work) before coming to class or may choose to conduct a traditional ACLS course, where all video lessons are conducted in class as interactive discussions with students. The course is designed to give students the opportunity to practice and demonstrate proficiency in the following skills used in resuscitation:
• Systematic approach (assessment)
• High-quality BLS
• Airway management
• Rhythm recognition