AHA 2020 Updates & Changes ACLS Class, PALS Class & BLS Class AHA 2020 Updates & Changes
Official American Heart Association Training Site
The ACLS Provider Renewal Course goal is to improve adult patients’ outcomes of cardiac arrest and other cardiopulmonary emergencies through early recognition and interventions by high-performance teams. American Heart Association AHA Classes. Initial, Renewal & Update Training Courses.
The AHA’s ACLS Renewal course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of preventing cardiac arrest, early and continuous, high-quality CPR, and high-performing teams. The ACLS Renewal course reflects science and education from the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). The ACLS Renewal Course’s key change is achieving a minimal Chest Compression Fraction (CCF) of 81% for more objective practice and testing. This allows everyone to move from a perception of how they did to an actual measurement of how they performed (perception to reality). This requires scenarios to be run in real-time so that CCF can be measured coupled with a required feedback device for increased quality of compressions. Teams will need to work together to figure out how to increase their CCF (i.e., choreography, logistics, etc.) for arrest-related cases. The desire of the ACLS course is to transfer this newly acquired knowledge into real-world emergencies. This is the core of increasing survival rates.
The CPR Coach is a new role within the resuscitation team. The role is designed to promote the delivery of high-quality CPR and allow the Team Leader to focus on other cardiac arrest care elements, coordinate the various team members’ assigned tasks, and ensure that clinical care is delivered according to AHA guidelines.
AHA 2020 Updates & Changes ACLS Class, PALS Class & BLS Class AHA 2020 Updates & Changes